
Jacqueline and Randy standing in front of something

We're Jacqueline and Randy, a blogging duo with backgrounds in tech, robots, art, and writing now raising our family in northern Idaho.

Our goal is to encourage deliberate choices, individual responsibility, and lifelong curiosity by sharing stories about our adventures in living, loving, and learning.

Learn more about us.

We'd love to connect—and keep you updated!

Did you know a group of owls is called a parliament?

Curious? Read these stories:

the cover of the book Uncertain by Maggie Jackson

Book Review: Uncertain: The Wisdom and Wonder of Being Unsure by Maggie Jackson

Uncertainty can be stressful. We crave predictability and answers. But uncertainty enables creativity, better performance, predictions, life planning, leadership, and more.
graduates at an outside commencement throwing their hats in the air, with pine trees in the background

Is Going to Graduate School Worth It?

Considering applying to graduate school? Many factors go into deciding whether or not to apply: personal, practical, financial.
The book Grad School Life: Surviving and Thriving Beyond Coursework and Research by Jacqueline M. Kory-Westlund, standing up on a bookshelf with a stack of more copies behind. The cover shows a piles of papers behind the title, with a small potted plant on top of one stack, and the bottom half of the page covered in blue as if underwater

PUBLICATION DAY: Grad School Life: Surviving and Thriving Beyond Coursework and Research

Publishing a book can be a long road—but here we are at the destination! Read about my book: How to thrive in graduate school while keeping a healthy personal life!
a pile of five notebooks

Journaling to Set and Achieve Writing Goals

When I was a foil fencer, I kept a meticulous journal to track progress, practice, and goals. Now, here's how I'm applying what I learned to writing.
the cover of the book Quiet by Susan Cain

Book Review: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain

Extroversion is the gold standard of personality in the Western world—but why? How can introverts get ahead and use their own strengths? This book explores the impact our temperaments can have on careers, learning, creativity, and more.
four crochetted water bottle carriers with water bottles in them

Tutorial: Super Simple Crocheted Water Bottle Holder in 5 Steps (Great First Project!)

Never go thirsty with this straightforward and functional water bottle carrier! Comes together fast. A good project for beginning crocheters!

More >>

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Did you know a group of owls is called a parliament?


We're Jacqueline and Randy, a blogging duo with backgrounds in tech, robots, art, and writing, now raising our family in northern Idaho.

Our goal is to encourage deliberate choices, individual responsibility, and lifelong curiosity by sharing stories about our adventures in living, loving, and learning.

Learn more about us.



Start here

Curious about our life and journey? Here are some good places to start reading:

Jacqueline and Randy leaning their heads together smiling at the camera

A Blog About Education, Lifestyles, and Community

A brief history of how the Deliberate Owl came to be and why we're writing a blog about us, our lives, and how we're living out our values.
Priests in red and gold celebrate a traditional Latin Mass

Discovering the Traditional Catholic Mass

How I discovered the traditional Latin Mass a few years ago, why that discovery changed everything for me, and what was wrong with the Novus Ordo Masses I'd attended.